II Marist International Mission Assembly

NAIRÓBI: New Marists on Mission

Final document     Objectives      Methodology      Assembly      Documents and resources

September 17-27, 2014

An invitation to celebrate and build together our Marist life and mission

The XXI General Chapter, within the context of the “new relationship between brothers and laity, seeking greater vitality together”, invited the Institute as a whole to “organize another Marist International Mission Assembly in the spirit of Mendes”. This mandate from the Chapter was assumed by the Superior General and his Council, who appointed a Commission to carry out the preparation and implementation of the Second Marist International Mission Assembly. This Preparatory Commission is integrated by: Mrs. Alice Miesnik, United States; Mrs. Monica Linares, Cruz del Sur; brother Mark Omede, Nigeria; Mr. Frank Malloy, Australia; Mr. Manuel GĂłmez Cid, MediterrĂĄnea; brother Paul Bhatti, South Asia; brother CĂ©sar Rojas, Brothers Today Secretariat; brother Javier Espinosa, Secretariat of the Laity; and brother JoĂŁo Carlos do Prado, Secretariat for Mission and Coordinator of the Commission. An international assembly is a special moment in the life of the Institute which offers the opportunity for brothers and laity to share, reflect on, celebrate, and build together Marist life and mission on equal terms, looking at the present times and envisioning the future, as we remain faithful to the charism. It is also an opportunity to strengthen our international and intercultural dimension at the service of children and youth. As we know, the first Assembly was held in 2007 in Mendes (Brazil), under the motto of “One Heart, One Mission.” But living and operating in the spirit of Mendes today requires a step forward
in order to discover new horizons leading to the future, dreaming of the “New Marists in Mission”. The XXI General Chapter marked all its work with the sign of innovation, and invited us to “go in haste, with Mary, to a New Land”. New initiatives have emerged and consolidated in many parts of the Institute as a natural consequence. The II Marist International Mission Assembly wants to explore these new initiatives. It challenges us to live a new religious life which may generate a new way of being Brother, in a new relationship of communion between brothers and laity, with a significant evangelizing presence among poor children and young people.

On the 2nd of January, anniversary of the foundation of our Institute, Br Emili TurĂș, Superior General, announced the imminent sending of an open letter to brothers and laity, encouraging them to become available for a mission of an international character. With the publication of this letter, Br Emili starts a new way of communication with the Institute, addressed to all the “Marists of Champagnat”, that is, to all the Brothers, and also to all persons who, in one way or another, are linked to the life and mission of
the Institute.


1 – Definition

This phase includes the study and analysis of the worksheets at the personal and community levels. It will be done in small groups of brothers, laity, young people, and persons who collaborate in the Marist works, belong to Marist communities and movements (such as Champagnat Movement, Marist Youth, Solidarity Groups, etc.) or participate in other Marist initiatives.

2 – Horizons along the road

Presenting the proposal of the II Marist International Mission Assembly.
Raising awareness of the international dimension of the Marist Institute.
Eliciting a fraternal dialogue about Marist life and mission among all the participants.
Selecting the representatives from the Province/District to the Assembly.
Living a meaningful solidarity experience with poor children and young people.
3 – Evaluation, report, and celebration of the local phase

To close this first phase of the process, each local group can meet to evaluate the experience, arrive at conclusions, prepare a report addressed to the general coordinator in the Administrative Unit, and conclude with a festive celebration.
The report speaks about the path each group has traveled together, the gratitude for the life and history we have inherited, the new shoots of Marist life we can see emerging in recent times, and the paths we must explore to reach the New Land dreamed by the XXI General Chapter.
The report can take the form of a letter, no more than a page in length, or an artistic rendering of our conclusions (video, painting, music, poster, etc.), a group “creed” or any expression the group or the Commission finds suitable.

1 – Definition

MaristThe local phase is followed by the Province/District phase, which immediately precedes the II MIMA. In this phase we organize a Province/District Assembly or a similar event, with the participation of representatives from the local phase. Each Province/District organizes this stage according to its local situation.

2 – Horizons along the road

Sharing and celebrating the experiences we may live in the Province/District during the preparation of the II MIMA.
Determining the calls from the Province/District to the II MIMA.
Proposing the names of candidates, brothers and lay people, to represent the Province/District at the II MIMA.
3 – Guidelines for the end of the Province/District phase

To write the report to the II MIMA about this phase, we would ask you to define the following elements in one final sentence: a shoot of Marist life (something new which is already growing), and a challenge (something new to come) regarding Marist life and mission, to be explored as Province or District.
This report should be sent to the Preparatory Commission before June 10, 2014. The way this final sentence will be defined, summing up all the previous work, is at the discretion of the Province or District.
This assembly or special event can be a beautiful opportunity to recall and strengthen those elements which are vital to Marist life and mission in each Province or District.

One of the most appropriate mechanisms to convey the experience of the II MIMA can be a Regional Assembly or similar regional events, with the participation of brothers, laity and young people from the Local and Province/District phases.
These meetings can become a great opportunity to communicate the proposals and intuitions coming from the II MIMA.

We believe these events will contribute to the vitality of the Marist life and mission in the region. They are important expressions of the international dimension of our Institute, so the commitment of all those responsible for the animation of the Provinces and Districts is essential.

The representatives from each region who will participate in the II MIMA will have the opportunity to formulate concrete proposals for this phase, and can also help to organize these events.

International Marist Mission Assembly

New Marists on mission

New Marists on mission

The Preparatory Commission would like to propose a reflection on three crosscutting themes that will unify the process leading to the II MIMA, namely: spirituality; vocation in the context of the new relationship between laity and brothers; and evangelization. These three themes are divided into sub-themes to facilitate reflection and the structuring of the entire process.
Our suggestion is to work on these themes freely, according to the sensitivity and culture of each situation within the Marist institution in the world.
The number of groups to be organized, as well as the criteria to integrate each group, will be up to each local commission. The groups can address all the worksheets proposed or just a selection of them, although we believe it is important to study some worksheets form each of the three abovementioned themes, which are interrelated and inseparable aspects of Marist life and mission.
Many people – especially some African cultures, among which the II MIMA will be held – follow the tradition of gathering around the fire to talk and celebrate life. The Preparatory Commission would like to use this sign to represent the community spirit that will gather the groups in preparation for the Assembly.

To facilitate this reflection work, we suggest 12 meetings for the local groups:

The Preparatory Commission invites you to study at least Worksheet 0, as an introduction to the local phase, plus one of the worksheets on Spirituality, two on Vocation and New Relationship, one on Evangelization – all at choice – and finally Worksheet 11 to evaluate and celebrate the process.
The three themes to be discussed in the groups are structured as follows:

Central theme of the Assembly: NEW MARISTS IN MISSION
Worksheet 0: Opening session to organize the group.


Worksheet 1: The heart of the mission leading us to a New Land.
Worksheet 2: On the road to conversion. (A spirituality driving the conversion
process of people and structures).
Worksheet 3: The Spirit makes our hearts beat in unison. (Rooted in the God
of Jesus, incarnated in the circumstances of our world, driven by the mission, and
following Mary’s way).
Worksheet 4: God’s life is flowing in the density of everything human.
(Open to interreligious dialogue, to those searching for meaning, in connection
with the new sensitivities of young people)


Worksheet 5: Are you a Marist too? (A new way of being Marist at the birth of
a new era for the Marist charism).
Worksheet 6: God has given us a Marist heart. (Inheritors of the Marist
charism: Marist vocation as living memory of the charism. A gift to be welcomed and developed).
Worksheet 7: As Mary, capturing the beauty of the Mystery of God. (Prophets of communion: promoting the Marian Face of the Church).
Worksheet 8: God is revealed to us through others. (Being Marists with
others: experiencing the paths of Marist life with a community perspective).


Worksheet 9: Being sisters and brothers to young people, and seeing Christ in others. (The heart of Marist mission).
Worksheet 10: Called to be light of the world and salt of the earth. (Together in the mission, with a new heart, in a new world).
Evaluation / writing the report / celebration:
Worksheet 11: Contemplating the path we traveled as a group.


You are encouraged to form local committees or teams to disseminate
the contents of the Assembly during the preparation stage.
You are encouraged to involve as many participants as possible from those who partake in the Marist life and mission, including young people.


In March 2014 the Preparatory Commission will send the registration forms to the people in charge of animating the II MIMA in the Province or District.
The names of the two participants in the Assembly from each Province or District should be submitted to the Preparatory Commission no later than June 2014

Number of delegates by Province, District and Region:
Delegates by Province or District: two (2) participants, a brother and a lay person.
Delegates by region (Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, Arco Norte, Brazil and Cono Sur).

  • 1. Two (2) lay persons as delegates from each region, appointed by the Regional Conference of Provincials.
  • 2. Two (2) young people (18 to 25 years old) as delegates from each region, appointed by the Regional Conference of Provincials.

Some brothers, lay persons, and members of other Marist branches will be invited by the General Government in order to include the diversity of Marist expressions in the world.

Criteria for the election or appointment of delegates attending the II MIMA:

  • Brothers, laity and young people who have actively participated in the local and Province/District phases.
  • People suggested by the preparatory Assemblies or similar events in each Province/District
  • The names suggested must be confirmed by the Brother Provincial or District Superior
  • The persons appointed should be capable of committing to spread the message of the II MIMA to the Province/District and the Region.
  • They should also spend some time to live a meaningful solidarity experience among poor children and young people prior to their participation in the II MIMA.


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